Winslow is a blue mouse in overalls who lives in CatDog’s walls. He loves to tease and harass CatDog, especially Cat. His hatred towards Cat is mainly because mice and cats do not get along, but Winslow doesn’t like Cat raining on his parade. Winslow tends to like Dog’s view of life. Winslow found CatDog when they ended up in Nearburg via hurricane. It’s not really known exactly what Winslow did with CatDog after he found them, besides taking them in. Winslow is the “smarter” one of the cast. He was created to be the classic sarcastic New York-ish jerk. He has the accent going for it. Despite being an overall jerk 98% of the time, he does have his moments. Such as in “CatDog Doesn’t Live Here Anymore” Winslow is quite upset that CatDog is gone. This is one of the many times Winslow shows his true love for CatDog. Winslow comes off as a cold-hearted, selfish, jerk. But deep inside he’s an insecure, cutesy little mouse.