Dog is the canine side of CatDog. He is hyper, loving, caring, cheerful, playful, and optimistic. Dog loves to make friends. When he puts his mind to something, he is determined to reach his goal, and refuses to give up. He is very protective over his brother Cat. Even when Cat tries to get Dog to do things that are wrong, Dog always forgive Cat. Dog isn’t as smart as Cat, not even close come to think of it. But that doesn’t break Dog’s spirit. It takes a lot to get Dog angry, so when he is mad; he is fuming. He loves all things usual dogs do; bones, fetch, chasing squirrels, and chasing the garbage truck. Dog loves eating tacos and garbage. He likes to party, wrestle, eat, and play. He enjoys comics, and superheroes. When it comes to love and dating, Dog is not very interested despite Shriek having a huge, obvious crush on him. Dog is more interested in having fun. Dog is not very tidy or organized, which annoys Cat. Dog adores his brother, friends, and is a very loyal dog.