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Congratulations! You found a hidden page! Scroll down for your CatDog surprise!!

​Something I have always wished for is a CatDog revival! It just makes sense. Other 90s Nickelodeon shows have gotten revivals, why not CatDog!? Peter Hannan also said in a interview once that he'd be open to do it, and some people at Nickelodeon want to do it!

What would you like to see in a CatDog revival? What would you want the story to be? What is something you would like to see happen? Is there any questions you would like answered? What characters would you like to see? Would you want to see any new characters? Below, you can speak your opinion! 

*I do not own CatDog. CatDog belongs to Nickelodeon and Creator Peter Hannan. 

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